Nepal is a country of full natural beauty and heritage with three different physiographic areas: Mountain, Hills, and Terai. Beautiful mountains, lakes, valleys, forests, and green Terai are the actual splendor of this country. It's an ultimately unique experience of celebrating your Honeymoon beyond the sea, sand, and beaches.
It is true that people make honeymoon once at life with their beloved one and that should be special at a romantic place where you could share everlasting memory. Those who want to share such a moment in a lap of delightful nature then, Nepal would not be your bad choice.
We, Trekking Mart team propose you to experience your honeymoon differently in this Himalayan country. We offer those honeymoon destinations where most prefer to go and many of you might be the dream destination. Also if you have any different choice than our plan, we are much happier to plan your own custom trip as well.